About Us

Our Community, Members, Membership

Who are the people who worship at Chelsea Community Church? Over the years, our membership has always been quite diverse. Perhaps the one thing everyone has in common is that they are seeking something. In fact, the title of our main piece of written material is “Finders…Seekers”, which contains the stories of why people came to choose Chelsea Community Church as their church home. You can pick up a copy on Sunday during our worship service.

We seek answers and the freedom to question. We welcome a diversity of viewpoints and theologies, and We find our search more meaningful together than as individuals. We are also a caring congregation, helping one another and reaching out to the wider community. Everyone is needed and important.

We are a completely lay-led church. The board of trustees and the members of the church make all the decisions about what we do, from the design of the worship service to the creation of special events. What we do reflects what our members want and need.

We are a Christian congregation; however, we don’t require people to hold any specific beliefs to worship with us. Many years ago, the first time she was the lay leader for a Sunday, Kathy Reid added the words “of uncertain faith” to how we described ourselves. “Chelsea Community Church is a place for people of any faith, and of uncertain faith,” and we have described our church using these words ever since.