Our Worship Service

Chelsea Community Church’s worship service is focused on coming together to worship as a community. A member of the Church is the lay leader for the service. The lay leader chooses the call to worship and working with the Music Director they choose the hymns for that day. Following opening hymns and church announcements is Joys and Concerns. In this section people in the church and at home share their joys and concerns with the congregation. This is an important part of the service where people can share good news and bad. No matter what the issue, they know that their fellow members are there to listen, to celebrate happy events, and, if asked, to pray for those in trouble.

Music is an important part of our service. We have a virtual choir that is heard in the church and by people at home, and the words and music are displayed during the hymn so everyone can sing along with the choir. We also feature guest soloists 2-3 Sundays each month who perform after the sermon.

Our Speakers

One of the hallmarks of CCC’s worship service is our ever-changing Sunday speakers. Each week we invite someone to preach. These speakers are a diverse group that is ever-changing and growing. Some of them are ordained, and some are not. We particularly encourage women, people of color, and people who have overcome challenges in their life to share their experiences and stories with us. Our speakers challenge us to be active in the community, to recognize the gifts we have received, and to better understand what others have gone through. Sometimes challenging, sometimes unsettling, but always inspirational.

Our Pastoral Counselor

Rather than a Pastor, we have a part-time pastoral counselor who attends the service on Sunday,  is occasionally the speaker for that day and leads the communion service which takes place after the Worship service for anyone who would like to attend. Our Pastoral Counselor is available to members who would like to explore questions of faith or theology or to help them through challenging times.