Lay Leaders

Lay leaders design and lead the weekly Sunday worship services, other than delivering the message, which is done by the week’s guest speaker. Several times a year we also have a service that is designed and conducted by one or more lay leaders, without a guest speaker.

Anyone can join the roster of lay leaders and bring his or her special touch to our worship services. We also need someone to serve as usher and coffee-hour host each week. If you are interested, please let us know.

Guest Speakers

Our guest speakers/preachers are women and men from all faith traditions, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and even atheists are welcome to present their views to our members. Many of our speakers are ordained and some are lay people. They come from a wide variety of denominations we invite and enjoy hearing and discussing all the ways in which people approach worship.

We often welcome preachers who are graduates of the New York Theological Seminary program at Sing Sing prison or the Rising Hope program at Woodbourne Prison or who are affiliated with Exodus Transitional Community, an ex-offender support program.

We’ve also been addressed by hospital chaplains and seminary faculty and students. On a few occasions, members fill the pulpit, speaking about worship, community, or their own spiritual journeys.

We hope and expect that our speakers will occasionally stir controversy, and we always appreciate the thinking and reflection they stimulate, the insight and strength they offer, and their inspirations for our day-to-day lives.

For a list of upcoming and recent guest speakers, click here to visit our Speaker Schedule.