Board of Trustees

Chelsea Community Church’s six-member Board of Trustees meets once a month. Based on priorities set by the members at our annual meeting the board is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the church. Members can attend any board meeting and the board welcomes suggestions and new ideas. Our Treasurer also provides quarterly, annual and other budget reports, as needed to the board and to the membership.

Members and friends, if you would like to volunteer help guide CCC, you would be most welcome. It’s a good way to learn more about how our unique church functions, and you don’t have to be a trustee to help us. If you would be interested in serving on the board please let any current board member or our Pastoral Counselor know, we would love to have you join us.

Board of Trustees 2023

Reilly Dinius, chair; Scott Barbarino, vice chair; Wayne Kammerer, treasurer; Edie Diane Nichols, Lynne Robinson, Jenna Weart. 

Board of Trustees 2022-2023

Brandi Stanbury Gadsden, chair; Scott Barbarino, vice chair; Wayne Kammerer, treasurer; Eddie Diane Nichols, Lynne Robinson, Jenna Weart. Joanne Downes, clerk; Jennifer Lynch, co-clerk.

Board of Trustees 2020-2021

Brandi Stanbury Gadsden, chair; Hilda Regier, vice chair, Wayne Kammerer, treasurer;  Paul Bodden, assistant treasurer; Joanne Downes, clerk; Jennifer Lynch, co-clerk; Virginia Pfeiffer, Robert Mitchell Jr., Lorraine Brown. 

Board of Trustees 2019-2020

Officers: Hilda Regier, chair; Brandi Stanbury, vice chair; Wayne Kammerer, treasurer; Virginia Pfeiffer, assistant treasurer; Joanne Downes, clerk, Jennifer Lynch, co-clerk; Lorraine Brown, Wayne Kammerer, Robert Mitchell Jr., Virginia Pfeiffer, Hilda Regier, Brandi Stanbury.

Board of Trustees 2018-2019

At the annual meeting held on October 7, 2018, the following were elected to the Board and its offices: Paula Whitney Best, Brandi Stanbury Gadsden, Hilda Regier (3 year terms); Virginia Pfeiffer (2  year term), Jennifer Lynch (1 year term).  Officers: Hilda Regier, Chair; Lynne Robinson, Vice Chair; Wayne Kammerer, Treasurer; Joanne Downes and Gloria Schofner, co-clerks.

Board of Trustees 2016-2017

At the annual meeting held in October Corena Wong, Lynn Ramsey, and Lorraine Brown were re-elected to the Board. Diane Mason was elected clerk. The officers remain the same: Wayne Kammerer, chair; Hilda Regier, vice chair; Paul Bodden, treasurer.

Board of Trustees 2015-2016

The annual meeting held in October elected three new members to the Board, which now consists of: Paul Bodden, Loraine Brown (new), Jennifer Fitzgerald (new), Wayne Kammerer, Virginia Pfeiffer (new), Lynn Ramsey, Hilda Regier, Lynne Robinson, and Corena Wong. Co-clerks are Joanne Downes and Mary Sheeran.

Board of Trustees 2014-2015

Wayne Kammerer, Chair; Hilda Regier, Vice Chair; Paul Bodden, Treasurer; Corey Banta, Reilly Dineus, Lynn Ramsey, Kathleen Reid, Lynne Robinson, and Corena Wong. Joanne Downes, Clerk.

Board of Trustees 2013-2014

Alana Atterbury, Chair; Hilda Regier, Vice Chair; Paul Bodden, Treasurer; Kathryn Buck, Wayne Kammerer, Merle Lister, Lynn Ramsey, Kathleen Reid, Lynne Robinson.


Board of Directors’ Summer Retreat, 2011

Back row, from left: John Magisano (pastoral counselor), Hilda Regier, Lynn Ramsey, Lynne Robinson, Alana Atterbury, Kathryn Buck.

Front row, from left: Thad McGar, Merle Lister, Kathy Reid, Paul Bodden, clerk. Not pictured: Wayne Kammerer