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Mel Lehman - Second Sunday of Lent

  • Coffee and Conversation following the service. We meet at: St. Peter's Chelsea 346 W. 20th St New York, NY 10011 (map)

Mel Lehman (Mennonite) grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.  He received a Master of Arts in theology from Union Theological Seminary and an Master of Arts in literature from Columbia University.  He worked for the first 20 years of his career at the National Council of Churches as an editor in international humanitarian issues.
In 2009, he founded a non-profit organization called Common Humanity which works to build understanding, respect, and friendship between Americans and the Middle East and Arab world.  Common Humanity organizes exhibits of paintings by Middle East artists to help Americans better understand the humanity and rich culture of the people there.
He is a long-time deacon at his home congregation, Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship, and a lay preacher.
Mel recently returned from a friendship-building trip to Baghdad in December during which he took holiday cards from Americans to Iraqis and received cards in return.

Lay Leader: Mary Sheeran, Reception Host: Wayne Kammerer, Usher: TBA

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